Major or minor gum disease is seen in almost every third individual. Gum diseases may range from ordinary inflammatory gums to serious tissue damage supporting the teeth. If an expert pedodontist is not consulted on time, then it may even result in Mobility of tooth breakage.
Our Gum Disease services offer some best surgical and non-surgical treatments as follows:
This is a non-surgical treatment where the diseased gum is cleaned deeply with the assistance of local anesthesia. The coarse teeth spots are smoothened by planing and plaque and tartar accumulated in the gum line are scraped by scaling. This will clean gum surface to reattach to the tooth by removing bacteria. We use hygienic ultrasonic and periodontal hand scalers or curetters for careful scraping that makes it resistant to grow in future.
This treatment is particularly for eliminating gum inflammation by debriding ulcerated epithelial attachment as well as subjacent gingival connective tissue. This will restore the health of gingival tissue and avoid it from shrinking further. A disinfected curette is used to remove the infuriated tissue wall of periodontal pocket.
In this treatment, the gum is detached from the tooth which creates a flap. Thus, our gum disease specialist has better view of the infected pocket to thoroughly clean the gum line up to the bone level. This is a surgical treatment that maintains clean health of the remaining pockets as well as diminish the pocket depth. Hence, it is also known as Pocket Reduction Surgery.
Bone grafting, also known as periodontal regeneration is preferred when the tooth bone has been completely destroyed. This destroyed bone is replaced by utilizing your own synthetic or donated bone. The grafts work as a platform for the bone to revive the tooth stability. Tissue engineering is the advanced technology where your body can regenerate tissue or bone. This treatment is accomplished at an accelera
Bone grafting, also known as periodontal regeneration is preferred when the tooth bone has been completely destroyed. This destroyed bone is replaced by utilizing your own synthetic or donated bone. The grafts work as a platform for the bone to revive the tooth stability. Tissue engineering is the advanced technology where your body can regenerate tissue or bone. This treatment is accomplished at an accelera
In this treatment we tend to build a rejuvenated gum-to-tooth relation by managing levels between gum tissue and bone. This provides stabilization and retention to the crowns incorporated in the tooth structure.
Black, brown or bluish spots, discolorations or splotches on the gums are usually nothing to worry about, but they can be unsightly and cause embarrassment or self-consciousness when smiling. The problem with gum spots is that they can make healthy gums falsely appear unhealthy. Gum depigmentation is a procedure used in cosmetic dentistry to remove black spots or patches on the gums caused by excessive melanin. The normal color of the gingiva is pink, but excess deposits of melanin (gingival hyperpigmentation) can create what seem to be black spots or patches on the gums, creating an unaesthetic look.