Add a dazzling sparkle to your smile at DENT-O-CARE. It’s easy, painless and does not require any tooth cutting. Skyce is a brilliant piece of crystal embedded in teeth and it has become the latest fashion accessory to catch the fancy of the fashion conscious. Skyce jewels are generally applied to the front (labial) surfaces of upper front (anterior) teeth. The crystal glass stones are available in different colors and sizes. The advantage of tooth jewellery is that these can be fixed and removed with equal ease, as the procedure is non-invasive. So walk in to DENT-OCARE and gift yourself a “Sparkling Smile”. Or you could even gift that special person in your life this unique gift of love and become an integral part of every smile on her lips.
Dentists of today are finding that more and more people who consult them are no longer really patients. They are individuals who desire perfectly aligned, sparkling white teeth, who may even ask for tooth jewellery. These cosmetic procedures have to be accomplished by professionals with professional products. The dental jewellery Skyce does not need to be pre-treated and is bonded onto the tooth in the same way as an orthodontic bracket. This ensures that the health of teeth is maintained.